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Saturday 28 December 2013

[English Skills] 英文小技巧 - 時間怎麼寫?


基本功 - 時間怎麼寫?




1、所謂的 a.m. 與 p.m.,這是12小時制的時間表達方式;a.m. 起源於拉丁文的 ante meridiem,意指中午以前 (before noon);p.m. 則是 post meridiem,意指中午以後 (after noon)。因此,若依照該圖片所想表達的中午12點營業至晚上10點,前半部的a.m.就應該改成:p.m. 12:00,句子才能有意義。(注意哦,a.m.的時間裡,只有a.m. 00:00 ~ a.m. 11:59,沒有a.m. 12:00這個字喲。)
2、前面提到的12小時制,相反的,時間的另一個表示方法為24小時制,也就是中午12點過後的時間,就由12+1=13點成為下午1點的表示方法。所以,再回到舉例的圖片來看,就能看見後半部的晚上10點,要嘛就改成p.m. 10:00;不然就直接將整段改成10:00 ~ 22:00,句子才能表達完全。



Sunday 15 December 2013

[Business Tips] Return to the Basic - Connections

Recently, I read some data from Bureau of Labor Statistics talked about fast-growing occupations, they all had one thing in common - connecting with people.

Imagine, when you stepped into a coffee shop, the staff was doing something else and said 'Hi' without even look at you; so you had to find yourself a seat and had to wait until the staffs are free to take your order. The other day, you walked into another coffee shop, the staff were all busy, but once you opened the door, they all stopped whatever they were busy at and turned their head to smile at you with warm greetings like 'Hello, how are you today?'

What is the difference between these two shops?

The empathy and connection between human beings.

We all live in a world that needs team work; no matter how much technology can help us in our daily lives, the one thing that makes us different from robots is the warm connection between us. There were chances that we met well-trained staffs who say whatever greeting words to us like a robot, but we did not feel the passion. Those five-star hotels, chain stores, department stores, or those MNCs with large capital to do staff training, they might have trained their staff well, as in following their SOPs properly; but they might all miss out the basic core idea - all of those actions are for one intention, to make their customers feel the connection.

When technology is taking our places at work, what we shall not do is walking alone with no emotions to those people around us. Return to our basic simple core idea for doing business - connections for long term relationships.

Do not forget, that is what we hoped to sustain our business / personal relationships. Otherwise, competitors can always win over your clients to their side.